Year of the Rat and the Jade Emperor

Year of the Rat and the Jade Emperor

Year of the Rat and the Jade Emperor

[ English | 日本語



Long ago the Jade Emperor invited 12 animals
to come through the Heavenly Gate and stay in his Palace.

He waited to see who would arrive first.

The Ox was strong and diligent.

As the Ox was ready to cross the river and enter the Heavenly Gate,
the Rat asked the Ox if he could ride on the Ox’s back to get across the river.

The Ox smiled and said ok.

Just as the Ox was almost finished crossing the river,
the Rat jumped over his head and through the Gate.

The Jade King was pleased that the Rate was so intelligent
and announced that the Rat would be the leader of the 12 cycles of the Zodiac.



The Rat represents the intelligence of our Consciousness
to overcome all obstacles and find its way
through the Gate of Heaven and gain Enlightenment.

The shrewd Rat rides on the back of Karma to achieve his goal
and at the last minute jumps over the head of Karma
to win the race to Enlightenment.



This Year of the Rat 2020 is a positive sign
that we have completed the race against time and Karma
and now are ready to go through the Gate of Heaven
and enjoy the Higher Dimensions of Magical Gifts.

This is a Year to make your foundation for a great future.

You will have good support and an easy time.

If difficulties come to you,
it is because this is the Year to finish your Karma
so it will never block your Path again.

The next Twelve Years will be bringing the entire world
through the Gate of Heaven and establish a good life for all living beings.





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