


[ English | 日本語


The rise in the Mahatma Global Consciousness has opened the door
to the next step in human evolution, what we can truly call Super Human.

If we could have a body whose physiology was like Superman what would that be?

Perpetual Life Force Meditation seems to develop exactly that!



    • Highly efficient metabolism with very little fuel consumption –
      Oxygen consumption drops 16-20%

    • Increased circulation efficiency
      and simultaneously decreasing the Cardiac Output

    • Enhanced Brain Chemistry such as GABA, Endorphins, Serotonin
      while lowering Cortisols

    • Enhanced hormone levels such as HGH, etc.

    • Building Neurotransmitters including Neurogenesis
      and cooling Amygdala

    • Increased Clarity and focus plus improved mind power

    • Complete synchronization of both hemispheres
      and coherent electrical activity of all brain cells

    • Stimulating higher brain functions
      by producing more Gamma Activity in the brain


If you can produce this for thirty minutes two times a day
over a period of time your body will gradually adapt to be this throughout the day.





E-books, Downloadable Meditation CDs ON SALE!

English Items Page is here!

[English Digital Distribution] EPUB FILE : QUANTUM ENLIGHTENMENT - E-book

To purchase please click here!